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The Zapatista Uprising, 30 Years On

Bernard Duterme Equal Times
Despite their relative isolation, the Zapatistas intend to continue influencing social dynamics. They have demonstrated that mobilisation for diversity doesn’t have to mean identity-base tensions, and can accompany the fight for social justice.

“When They Kill One, A Thousand More Are Born”

Jen Moore Foreign Policy in Focus
Ten years ago, water activist Mariano Abarca was murdered in Chiapas. Since then, conditions have gotten worse. To mark the anniversary and continued struggle, his life was honored by a presentation of an environmental defense award in his honor.

Women Up In Arms: Zapatistas and Rojava Kurds Embrace a New Gender Politics

Charlotte Maria Sáenz Other Worlds
In both resistances, women took up arms to fight alongside their male counterparts showing both willingness and capacity to fight as soldiers. However their principal objective in the mountains is not military. Rather, their most important task is to form new persons: men and women in a more equitable relationship to each other--a relationship that is also anti-capitalist. Theirs is a commitment to building democracy, socialism, ecology and feminism.
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