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The Civil Rights Movement Was Filled to the Brim With Leftists

Matthew F. Nichter interviewed by Shawn Gude Jacobin
August 28th was the 60th anniversary of the March on Washington. Ignore the lies and distortions — the reality, as the latest research shows, is that scores of socialists influenced or were themselves key figures in the civil rights movement.

Pat Fry: A Tribute in Memoriam

Geoffrey Jacques Portside
Pat Fry was a long-time activist, journalist, and leader in the working class, peace, solidarity, anti-imperialist, and left-wing and socialist movements in the United States, dies after long struggle with cancer.


Celebrating the Leadership and Comradeship of Charlene Mitchell

William P. Jones Portside
“People who truly believe in justice and equality, and peace and socialism, should not actually really care whether their contributions are individually noted,” Angela Davis asserted at a tribute to her friend and mentor, Charlene Mitchell, in 2009.

Cancelling Elizabeth Gurley Flynn

Mary Anne Trasciatti Labor and Working Class History Association
Republican lawmakers in New Hampshire had a marker at Elizabeth Gurley Flynn's childhood home removed just two weeks after it was unveiled, arguing that Flynn did not deserve such recognition because she was “un-American.”

Review of Communists in Closets

Martha Sonnenberg New Politics
In this book Bettina Aptheker looks deeply into the radical commitment and contributions of many gay and lesbian members of the Communist Party (CP and CPUSA). The book provides an opening salvo to a wider discussion of how, or even if, the Left has responded to the “new forces and new passions” present in the LGBTQ liberation movement, and whether this has affected the concept of social transformation.

Tidbits – Feb. 23, 2023 – Reader Comments: Derailment = Nationalization; Florida Bans Black History; Earthquake Hits Syria Too; FBI Still Uses Informants; Amazon Labor Union; Charlene Mitchell; Communists in Closets; Building Resilient Organizations

Reader Comments: Derailment = Nationalization; Florida Bans Black History; Syria Hit by Earthquake, too; FBI Still Uses Informants; Amazon Labor Union; Charlene Mitchell; Communists in Closets; Building Resilient Organizations; Cartoons; more...

Tidbits – Oct. 20, 2022 – Reader Comments, Elections – It’s the Economy and Abortions; Lessons of Cuban Missile Crisis; Socialist Lessons; Communists in Closets; Anti-Fascism in the 21st Century; the Farmer-Labor Movement; Cartoons; More…

Reader Comments, Elections - It's The Economy and Abortions; Lessons of Cuban Missile Crisis; Socialist Lessons; Announcements: Communists in Closets; Anti-Fascism in the 21st Century; The Farmer-Labor Movement; Cartoons; more....
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