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Friday Nite Videos | May 27, 2022

A Simple Solution: Reduce the Number of Guns. Oye Como Va ft. Carlos Santana & Cindy Blackman Santana. Jacinda Ardern at Harvard: Gun Control and Democracy. How Your Phone Knows If You’re Getting an Abortion. The Hidden History of “Hand Talk.”

How Your Phone Knows If You’re Getting an Abortion

Roe vs. Wade is under threat. And if abortion is made illegal, people seeking to end their pregnancies will face an adversary that didn’t exist in 1973: mountains of data that can be used to track them.

Friday Nite Videos | April 15, 2022

Jordan Klepper Fingers the Pulse: CPAC and the Hungarian Right. Jon Batiste | Freedom. Women of the White Buffalo | Movie. John Oliver | Data Brokers. Elon Musk's Mission: Make Earth Really Bad.

Data Brokers

John Oliver discusses how much data brokers know about us, what they’re doing with our personal information, and one….unusual way to change privacy laws.

Media Bits and Bytes - August 13, 2019

Twitter; Whitewashing the Shootings; That Times Headline; Warren for Net Accessibility; Schmucker; Facebook and Surveillance; Cops Propagandize Online
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