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Can Democracy and Billionaires Coexist?

Sam Pizzigati
Not on this planet. The wealthiest of our wealthy, a just-released report from Americans for Tax Fairness points out, are doing their best to keep these good times — for America’s rich — rolling.

Critical Race Feminism and Common Good Unionism

Stacy Davis Gates, Sheri Davis, Marilyn Sneiderman and Alisha Volante NonProfit Quarterly
When Bargaining for the Common Good is done well it models an alternative way to theorize the root causes of oppression, to take action with impacted communities to remedy the problem, and to reflect on what liberation looks....


The Batman’s Privilege Problem

Joe George The Progressive
A departure from the Caped Crusader’s elitism, the latest adaptation of the DC comic addresses class disparities in Gotham.

Trump, Texas, and the MAGA Drive for Power

Max Elbaum ORganizing Upgrade
When we demonstrate on the ground that radicals are the most reliable and effective fighters against the mortal threat of Trumpism, we maximize our chances of gaining support for our perspective and our organizations.
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