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Inequality Without Class

Simon Torracinta Dissent
This book surveys how leading economists, over the last two and a half centuries, have accounted for wealth and income inequality.

Immigrants Make America Stronger and Richer

Paul Krugman New York Times
Negative views of the economics of immigration are all wrong. Far from taking jobs away, foreign-born workers have played a key role in America’s recent success at combining fast growth with a rapid decline in inflation.


The Gender of Capital

Khushbu Sharma LSE Review of Books
In this book, writes reviewer Sharma, the authors argue that despite supposed equality, women in all classes of society are economically disadvantaged with respect to their husbands, fathers, and brothers.

Looking Back at the Steelworkers Fight Back Campaign – Part 3

Garrett Brown Stansbury Forum
3rd in three-part posting on Steelworkers Fightback reform movement in the 1970s. Brown documents issues and personalities that drove the movement of relevance today in understanding and appreciating reform movements underway today.

What’s Behind the Summit of South American Nations in Brasilia?

Presenter: Adrian Finighan, Guests: Temir Porras Ponceleon, Guillaume Long, Danny Shaw Aljazeera
Brazil’s president wants economic and political bloc to benefit region. Leaders from South America’s 12 nations are meeting in Brazil. Their host president, Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, is calling for more unity and even a new single currency.
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