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Nicolas Maduro Did Not Steal the Venezuelan Election

Greg Palast Vice
The Venezuelan election was nearly stolen – by the US-backed anti-Chávistas. How? That’s what Chávez wanted Maduro to find out from me: how could US operatives jerk with Venezuela’s voter rolls? It wasn’t a mere policy question: they knew Chávez wouldn't be allowed to survive through another coup. My answer: They could steal the vote the same way Bush did it in Florida – in fact, using the very same contractor. Take a look at these documents.


A Soundtrack of Irrationalism

Blaire Briody Los Angeles Review of Books
Reviewer Briody calls this book "a tightly written and well-reported account of the rise of extremism in small-town America."

Either Be a Determined Opposition or Be a Loser

Jamelle Bouie New York Times
The Democratic Party lacks the energy of a determined opposition — it is adrift, listless in the wake of defeat, ready to concede that Trump is some kind of avatar for the national spirit. The choice: either be a determined opposition or be a loser.


Election Results

Beau Beausoleil
Poet Beau Beausoleil contemplates the horrors which await the American public as a result of the recent election.

Everyone (Sort of) Loves a Disrupter

John Feffer TomDispatch
Off-the-record, some liberals support Trump on a case-by-case basis. In normal times, finding overlapping interests with your political adversaries makes sense. But let’s be clear: Trump will not be playing by the rules of normal politics.

Our Margin of Effort: Looking Back and Looking Ahead

Max Elbaum Convergence Magazine
A broad swath of the progressive movement “left it all on the field” in 2024. Some sobering lessons about progressive strength, Establishment myopia and the challenges of democratic organizing in increasingly oligarchical society.
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