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Nicolas Maduro Did Not Steal the Venezuelan Election

Greg Palast Vice
The Venezuelan election was nearly stolen – by the US-backed anti-Chávistas. How? That’s what Chávez wanted Maduro to find out from me: how could US operatives jerk with Venezuela’s voter rolls? It wasn’t a mere policy question: they knew Chávez wouldn't be allowed to survive through another coup. My answer: They could steal the vote the same way Bush did it in Florida – in fact, using the very same contractor. Take a look at these documents.

Election 2024: The Path Forward

Michael Podhorzer Weekend Reading
There are 106 days to reconsolidate the Anti-MAGA majority. We, not just Democratic campaigns, but also civil society, the free press, and everyday Americans, have a big task ahead of us. We have risen to the challenge before, and we can do it again.

Banlieue Vote Pivotal in French Left’s Upset

Amba Guerguerian The Indypendent
Voters from Paris’s marginalized immigrant communities turned out in large numbers to vote for leftist coalition that championed wealth redistribution and Palestinian statehood.

Protests Matter in Election Years—and This Year’s Had Plenty

Ben Manski and Michael T. Heaney The Progressive
The protests of the excluded and alienated will count on and beyond Election Day. The relative momentum of movements is likely to matter not only in voter turnout but also in the potentially tumultuous events that may follow November 5.
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