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Big Oil Knew About Climate Change Far Earlier Than We Thought

Rebecca John DeSmog
Documents shed light on the earliest-known instance of climate science funded by the fossil fuel industry, adding to growing understanding of Big Oil’s knowledge of climate change. Fossil fuel industry sponsored climate science in 1954.

We WILL Fix Climate Change!

The future looks grim. Giving up seems the only sensible thing to do. But that’s not true. You are not doomed.

Indigenous Resistance, From Wounded Knee to Standing Rock

David Barsamian - An interview with Nick Estes The Progressive Magazine
This year marks the fiftieth anniversary of a historic event in Native America, the action at Wounded Knee. What was its significance, and why it still resonate with Native peoples. How it connects with the resistance at the Dakota Access Pipeline.

Sunday Science: The Rays of the Sun

Bill McKibben The Crucial Years
The sun keeps pumping out more or less the same amount of energy day in and day out. It’s what we do down here on earth that will decide whether it cooks us or saves us.
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