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Kashmir Women are the Biggest Victims of This Inhumane Siege

Adnan Bhat Al Jazeera
Sense of fear deepens as Indian politicians stoke misogyny with talk of freedom to marry 'white-skinned' Kashmiri women. At present everyone in Kashmir is being immensely subjugated. But women are the biggest victims of this inhumane siege.

Cries From the Prison-City of Rohingya Refugees

Davide Lemmi il Manifesto
Fleeing rape, torture and mass killing, Burmese Rohingya arrive in this camp of half a million souls, traumatized by the military operation to ‘cleanse’ Myanmar of Muslims.


Naming America's Own Genocide

Richard White The Nation
Between 1846 and 1873, California's Indian population plunged by some 80 percent. The book painstakingly recapitulates the systematic homicidal culling of the state's native American tribes . While not the final word on the ubiquity of the term genocide worldwide, it establishes that murder was the preferred and accepted method of social control for white settlers, gold miners. state militias and federal policy makers. The long-term consequences were staggering.
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