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Eugene Debs and the Kingdom of Evil

Chris Hedges Truthdig
Debs came to the conclusion that no strike or labor movement could ultimately be successful as long as the government was controlled by the capitalist class. Any advances made by an organized working class would be reversed once the capitalists regained absolute power, often by temporarily mollifying workers with a few reforms. Working men and women had to achieve political power, or they would forever be at the mercy of the bosses.

Tidbits - April 13, 2017 - Reader Comments: White House Explains the Holocaust; Trump and Syria - What We Know...and Don't - Take Action Now; Free Resources - Resources: Mapping the Left in EU, Canada and USA; Announcements; and more....

Reader Comments: White House Explains the Holocaust - Just in time for Passover and Easter; Trump and Syria - What We Know...and Don't - Take Action Now; A Nation Made By War - A Veteran's commentary; the Frayed Alliance Between Unions and Progressives; Sanders Bill To Make Public Colleges Tuition-Free - San Francisco's Example; Free Resources - Resources: Mapping the Left in EU, Canada and USA from Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung - New York Office; Announcements; and more...


Socialism in America

Harold Meyerson Dissent
The upsurge in interest in the ideas of Socialism also means a reassessment of its traditions. Jack Ross offers a new, ambitious attempt to come to terms with the history of the Socialist Party in the United States, an organization, and movement, whose story is one of this country's modern legends. In this review, Harold Meyerson, who, as he points out, was a part of this history, takes a look.

Almost a Century Ago, another Democratic Socialist Ran for President of the United States—from His Prison Cell

Lawrence S. Wittner LA Progressive
In response to the Congressional declaration of war in April 1917, delegates at a Socialist party convention declared their “unalterable opposition” to it. The federal government began prosecuting Socialist Party leaders. Socialist Congressman Victor Berger, convicted under the Espionage Act, was expelled from the House of Representatives, re-elected by the voters, and then expelled again. Debs responded with a blistering speech at a party rally in Canton, Ohio.

Something to Offer

William P. Jones Jacobin
Unlike many in his party, Eugene V. Debs believed the struggle for black equality was critical to realizing the promise of socialism.

Tidbits - December 11, 2014

Reader Comments - CIA Lied About Torture; A New Civil Rights Movement?; Grand Jury Injustice - Justice Demanded; Members of Congress (and staffers) join protest; Illegal Cop Murders; Police Reform? - Bolder Steps Needed; Low Wage Workers: 'We Can't Breathe'; Slavery, Founding Fathers and Torture; Congress Plots against Pensions; Pardon Snowden, Manning and Leonard Peltier; Israel Lobby and Ukraine; War on Terror; Israel, U.S. and space weapons; New Republic; Correction

Tidbits - September 11, 2014

Reader Comments - Remembering September 11 and The Other 9/11; Fast Food Strikes; Retail Workers Find Better Deals With Unions; Justice Dept. to Probe Ferguson Police; Working Families Party; Death Row; Israel Confiscates More Palestinian Land; One-Third of Israelis Consider Emigrating; Wal-Mart-ization of Education; Wages for Housework; Gluten-free; Eugene Debs and Debs Museum; Charlie Haden; New resource - International Human Rights Law: Violations by Israel; more..


"The Mission of Socialism is Wide as the World"

Eugene V. Debs. Marxist Internet Archive
On the 4th of July people tend to think back about the history of this country. Here is a little bit of Labor history in the form of a speech by Eugene Debs on July 4, 1901. Debs was a founder of the American Railway Union and the Socialist Party. In 1920, while in prison for opposing World War 1, he received 915,000 votes for President, running as a Socialist.
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