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Can Europe Stop Elon Musk?

Anne Applebaum The Atlantic
He and other tech oligarchs are making it impossible to conduct free and fair elections anywhere.

Far-Right Surge in Elections Shakes Up European Parliament

Ana Vračar Peoples Dispatch
Far right gains means European policies will likely shift in direction of security, austerity, and migration restrictions, despite hundreds of thousands of people across the region taking regularly to the streets in support peace and social justice.

A hard loss and a triumph: Berlin Bulletin No. 196

Victor Grossman Monthly Review Online
The big questions are now: can the Left become a street and shop level fighter in coming struggles? Can it maintain its positions against armaments and military interference around the globe?

The American Dark Money Behind Europe’s Far Right

Mary Fitzgerald and Claire Provost The New York Review of Books
politican kissing rosary A recent openDemocracy investigation found that America’s Christian right spent at least $50 million of “dark money” to fund campaigns and advocacy in Europe over the past decade.

Global Left Midweek - May 22, 2019

Elections: India, Philippines, South Africa, EU * Europe's Social Democrats * Gay Marriage in Taiwan * Brazil vs Bolisaro * Iran's Working Class

Lighting Europe's Lamp

Conn M. Hallinan
After years of brutal austerity, collapsing economies, widespread unemployment and shredding of the social welfare net, Italians said "basta!" "Enough!"
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