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The European Left Faces a Historic Challenge

Stefan Bekier Europe Solidaire Sans Frontières
Introduction to the Ensemble! (FR) meeting on the consequences of the Trump presidency for Europe. Europe must deepen and broaden its integration or become dependent on the neo-fascist international forming around the Trump-Putin axis.

Militarism Is No Answer to Trump

Gavin Rae Transform!Europe
As Europe ramps up military spending in response to Trump’s shifting policies, the continent faces rising militarism, austerity, and the risk of further conflict. Is this the right path, or should Europe seek a new security paradigm?

Pasquale Tridico on Social Justice and Political Change

Stefano Galieni Transform!Europe
We need to realise a project that puts peace and freedom at the heart of EU policy. We must act to ensure prosperity for all, to protect welfare, and to defend labour, which ever since Maastricht has never been sufficiently represented.


In Europe, Platform Workers Are Winning Limited Protections

Ben Wray Jacobin
Across Europe, platform workers have won a series of court cases ruling that they are employees, not self-employed. Moves for new EU-wide legislation have faced serious resistance from lobbyists but now look set to deliver some new protections.

The EU Is in Bad Shape, and Left-Wing Forces Are in Crisis

Roberto Musacchio Transform! Europe
We are on the brink of a precipice, which the World risks falling into. We need a radical, left-wing exit route. Italy should contribute in the European elections with an electoral list concentrated on the theme that marks the dividing line: Peace.
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