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Far-Right Surge in Elections Shakes Up European Parliament

Ana Vračar Peoples Dispatch
Far right gains means European policies will likely shift in direction of security, austerity, and migration restrictions, despite hundreds of thousands of people across the region taking regularly to the streets in support peace and social justice.


To Defeat the Far Right, We Must Build From the Bottom Up

Luis Feliz Leon Convergence
The movement to defeat the Far Right must include immigrant workers and members of other oppressed groups, working through their own independent and durable mass organizations rooted in workplaces and neighborhoods.

The Hard Right Captivates the Argentine Electorate

Mariano Schuster and Pablo Stefanoni / Nueva Sociedad NACLA Reports
The Argentine primary elections caused a political earthquake, with libertarian Javier Milei taking first place and Peronism coming in third. Never before has the radicalized right won so many votes.
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