Trade and Development Report 2023 Growth, debt, and climate: Realigning the global financial architecture
The report highlights how market concentration in key sectors, such as the trading of agriculture commodities, has grown since 2020, deepening the asymmetry between the profits of top multinational enterprises and declining labour share globally.
There may be no better case for the multi-racial, multi-ethnic, multi-everything society America is becoming than the flavors. What would America eat, and be, without immigrants?
C. P. Chandrasekhar and Jayati Ghosh
Rise in food prices can be traced to profiteering by large international agribusinesses and financial speculation in food commodity futures. Countries need domestic food sovereignty, regional arrangements to ensure supply, and volatility controls.
A ceremony at an old food market in Amsterdam prompts reflections on tragedy, indifference and survival. How could so many Israelis feel indifferent to such grief and afflictions — that recalled how so many Germans had turned a blind eye to the Nazis
Governments around the world market influence through food. However, the way food is associated with identity, combined with diplomacy’s pursuit of the national interest, means gastrodiplomacy will always have at least a tinge of nationalism.
Food as Medicine is an emerging concept and the focus of the Food as Medicine Policy Summit; and a range of food companies are ready and waiting with products to make the market.
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