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Can quinoa solve the world's looming food shortage?

Henry Bodkin The Telegraph
Scientists who cracked quinoa's gene code say it could solve the world's looming food shortage. Quinoa has never been fully domesticated or bred to its full potential even though it provides a more balanced source of nutrients for humans than cereals. Researchers say that quinoa could provide a healthy, nutritious food source for the world using land and water that currently cannot be used, and the new genome makes it one step closer to that goal.


DNA Tests May Shed New Light on Food Fraud

Kevin T. Higgins Food Processing Magazine
DNA bar-coding that quickly confirms or reject claims that a food product is what it purports to be are entering the market, with the promise of exposing economically motivated fraud.


Free-From Foods Have Become a Movement

Lauren R. Hartman Food Processing
More ingredients are designed to accommodate free-from foods, a hot trend for 2016 as Americans continue to be affected by food allergens and intolerances.


Are "medical" medical foods the next big trend?

Rachel Duran Food Dive
The food industry has been recently delving into "medical foods," and foods that are formulated to meet the specific needs of patients.The opportunities in the medical foods segment are growing; the market is estimated to be worth $15 billion, according to The Wall Street In a statement, the FDA emphasized medical foods are for patients that cannot properly ingest, digest, absorb, or metabolize regular food or nutrients.


UN Declares 2016 The Year of Pulses

Judie Bizzozero Natural Products Insider
The United Nations has declared 2016 the International Year of Pulses, nutritious sources of protein which include peas and many kinds of dried beans.


Sensory Evaluation: Mouth Behaviors and Food Textures

Melissa Jeltema Ph.D., Jennifer Vahalik, and Jacqueline Bec Prepared Foods
Consumers gravitate to favorite mouthfeel behaviors, whether it involves chewing, crunching, "smooshing" or sucking. The Understanding & Insight Group (U&I) has found a previously unrevealed, unexpressed need that drives texture preferences: mouth behavior. The truth is that individuals have a preferred way to manipulate food in their mouths (mouth behavior) and this BEHAVIOR determines the food textures they will prefer.
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