'SaveCanada' Punks TransCanada
Out of the Furnace: Movie
From Scott Cooper, writer and director of Crazy Heart, a gripping and gritty drama with an all-star cast. A soldier returning from Iraq gets lured into one of the most ruthless crime rings in the Northeast and mysteriously disappears.
A Bold Plan to Fix the Mortgage Mess
The Musical Genius: Derek Paravicini
New Drugs for Old Bugs
We should all be worried by the growing number of antibiotic-resistant bacteria and we urgently need to develop new drugs. In this discussion with Nobel laureates, researchers propose alternative ways to find drugs; some cutting edge, such as computation, and some ancient, such as searching for chemicals deep in the rain forest.
Movie: Let the Fire Burn
Using archival news coverage and interviews, filmmaker Jason Osder tells the story of Philadelphia authorities firebombing a house occupied by MOVE, killing 11. Showing in NY and LA. More info.
'Here Comes the Sun' in Madrid Unemployment Office
The Beatles 1969 song is a counterpoint to Spain's soaring unemployment rate (over half of Spanish youth are out of work).
Pete Peterson's 'Grand Bargain' Hoax
The "Grand Bargain" is a hoax. Find out more about who's behind the push for austerity.
Our Story in Two Minutes
The story of the universe in two minutes, with some notable omissions.
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