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Our Generation in Two Minutes #OurMarch

Director of Dream Defenders Phillip Agnew and leader of United We Dream Sofia Campos were ready to represent their generation at the commemorative events of the 50th Anniversary of the March on Washington. Here's what they didn't get to say. Tweet your responses to #OurMarch, #MarchOn and #MOW50.


Wealth Inequality in America

The distribution of wealth in America is way more unequal than we think it is or than we think it should be. These are the real numbers, and they're hard to believe.


Strike: Fast Food Workers Speak Out

These are the names, the faces, the lives and the demands of fast food workers, who are striking for the right to organize and a decent wage.


The Onion Warns Miley Cyrus May Be Depleted

In 2008, experts warned that Miley Cyrus had just five years before she became a withered, dessicated husk. Unless she is conserved, humanity may be reduced to barbarism.


Walmart Workers Announce Labor Day Deadline

The growing group of OurWalmart workers across the country are demanding justice and a decent wage. They have given the giant retailer a Labor Day deadline to meet their demands or face intensified and widespread actions.

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