Reader Comments: Green New Deal Push On; Capitalism and Affordable Housing; Syrian Troop Withdrawal; Immigration; Honduran Migrants; Science and Religion Debate; Resources; Announcements; and more....
Wind, solar and other companies in the green sector would benefit in a big way from a Green New Deal. A full-blown climate crisis is barreling at us like a wrecking ball off its chain. The question of whether we achieve a Green New Deal....
GM recently declared that it will close three major assembly and two smaller transmission facilities in North America. This despite GM’s recent robust profit reports - while labor costs make up less than 10 percent of the average vehicle.
Reader Comments: Green New Deal; Trump as Grifter; Nuclear Disarmament Movement Today; GM and Amazon; Chicago Teachers Win Charter Strike; Universal Health Care; Today in History - U.S. Invades Panama under George H.W. Bush; and more....
The resolution says funding will primarily come from the federal government, “using a combination of the Federal Reserve, a new public bank or system of regional and specialized public banks, public venture funds..."
The Green New Deal embodies the kind of big thinking that party leaders have shirked over the past few decades, during which liberals in Washington opted for incremental policy tweaks and compromises with Republicans and corporations alike.
With atmospheric carbon dioxide levels having reached the 400 ppm point - way above the 350 ppm considered to be the upper limit for avoiding environmental catastrophe - organized labor is struggling with the tension between the immediate need for jobs in a crisis-ridden economy and the perils to humanity's future of avoiding the sacrifices required to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The following two articles discuss those tensions from different angles.
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