Those who wish to preserve the American constitutional republic should also recall the past. A good start would be just to recall the five basic political lessons of 1933. Recalling history, we act for a future that can and will be much better.
Nicolas Allen, Edwin Ackerman, Jacques Coste, Viridiana Rios
The Nation
To understand the outgoing president’s popularity—and why not all leftists love him—Nicolas Allen spoke to three Mexican analysts from across the progressive political spectrum.
John S. Jacobs was a fugitive, an abolitionist — and the brother of the canonical author Harriet Jacobs. Now, his own fierce autobiography has re-emerged.
Steve Bloomfield, Thukwana, S'thembile Cele, Mpho Hlakudi, Tom Fevrier, Kyle Kim
The Guardian, Bloomberg
Party’s leaders are more nervous than ever that it will lose its majority for the first time since Nelson Mandela led it to victory -- As the government has failed to make good on its promises, protests have become increasingly common.
The Most Shocking Billionaire Interview. Henry Ford versus Karl Marx | Epic Rap Battles of History. Gaza, Gaza. Smoking Is Awesome. Why Trump's Lawyer Called Him the 'Orange Turd.'
Annina van Neel, Joseph Curran, Dominic Aubrey De Vere, Yvonne Isimeme Ibazebo, Peggy King Jorde
The Guardian
How to create an appropriate memorial for the recently uncovered remains of thousands of formerly enslaved Africans, one of the most significant traces of the Atlantic Slave Trade.
Historian Robin Blackburn has completed a trilogy of books that provide a comprehensive Marxist account of slavery in the New World. He spoke to Jacobin about the intimate links between the slave systems in the Americas and the origins of capitalism.
Pioneering black singer Paul Robeson was born on this day (April 9) in 1898. One of America’s great radical figures, it was his encounters with Britain’s labour movement which inspired his socialist and anti-imperialist politics.
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