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Remembering the Holocaust While Gaza Starves

Ariel Dorfman New Lines Magazine
A ceremony at an old food market in Amsterdam prompts reflections on tragedy, indifference and survival. How could so many Israelis feel indifferent to such grief and afflictions — that recalled how so many Germans had turned a blind eye to the Nazis

The Great Rupture in American Jewish Life

Peter Beinart New York Times
For the last decade or so, an ideological tremor has been unsettling American Jewish life. Since Oct. 7, it has become an earthquake. It concerns the relationship between liberalism and Zionism....

The Shoah After Gaza

Pankaj Mishra London Review of Books
The dark meaning the Israeli state has drawn from the Shoah, and then institutionalized in a machinery of repression. Anyone calling attention to the spectacle of Washington’s blind commitment to Israel is accused of antisemitism, ignoring the Shoah.

When ‘Never Again’ Becomes a War Cry

Natasha Roth-Rowland +972 Magazine
In an Israeli war that has been retrofitted onto a Holocaust template, it is obscene that a plea to stop further killing is now read as moral failure.

In Gaza and Israel, Side With the Child Over the Gun

Naomi Klein The Guardian
Some continue to minimize massacres of Israeli civilians - this only fuels militant Zionism. What could lessen its power, drain it of some of that fuel? True solidarity. Humanism that unites people across ethnic and religious lines.

Seeking Understanding Amidst the Horror in Israel/Palestine

Rabbi Brant Rosen Shalom Rav
The Jewish community is now with a profound moral challenge. Even as we mourns our dead in Israel, we must acknowledge and protest the genocide Israel is currently perpetrating in their memory in no uncertain terms.
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