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Capitalism Can’t Give Us Affordable Housing

Robbie Nelson Jacobin
Under capitalism, housing provision is based on what will make developers, lenders, and landlords rich — not what average people need to survive. That’s why we’ll never get decent, affordable housing for everyone under the free market.

How Unions Can Solve the Housing Crisis

Erik Forman In These Times
The labor movement once built 40,000 units of low-cost co-op apartments for working class New Yorkers. Those units are embers of a vision that once fired the labor movement: Build for human need, not for profit. Labor can build it again.

Tenants Together: Stories, Struggles, and Strategies

Tenants Together Tenants Together
tenants demonstration in San Francisco It's been an exciting and challenging summer for California tenants. The good news: through our collective power, we are fighting back. Here's just a slice of the work Tenants Together and our members, partners, and allies are doing this summer!

Barcelona’s Experiment in Radical Democracy

Masha Gessen The New Yorker
Issues that Barcelona en Comú is tackling come up against limitations set by Catalan and Spanish law. The city lacks authority to regulate housing, although the city has created new affordable housing, has successfully limited the reach of Airbnb...

It’s Time to Build New, Mixed-Income Public Housing

Tanner Howard Shelterforce
large public housing building Is today the time to fight for public housing in the United States? That’s the argument of “Social Housing in the United States,” a new report published by the People’s Policy Project, an independent think tank.

2,461 Evictions … Every Day

Homes For All Homes For All
map of eviction in USA For the first time we have raw data on the magnitude of the eviction crisis that so many people in our communities already know from firsthand experience.
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