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The Effect of Class Consciousness on Political Preferences

D. W. Livingstone Jacobin
Political preferences are often discussed through a one-size-fits-all middle-class lens. But empirical data shows that class significantly influences voting patterns, with growing class consciousness driving dissatisfaction with established parties.

How Ideology Can Help (or Hurt) Movements Trying To Build Power

Mark Engler and Paul Engler Waging Nonviolence
Bernie Sanders and the Squad have helped pave the way for open socialists to win elected seats in multiple levels of government at a scale that has not been seen in a century. Many progressives are taking a new look at the importance of ideology.

The Evolution of Post-Soviet Ideology

Arseniy Krasnikov Russian Dissent
There is no dividing line between the Russian “quasi-liberals” of the 90s and the ideology of Russian imperialism today. They are aligned politically and economically, the first easily spilling over over into the second.


To Beat the Right, We Have to Understand Their Arguments

Matt McManus Jacobin
Since the French Revolution, the Right has deployed a common set of arguments to resist the drive to democratize economic and political power. The Left will only win if we analyze their rhetoric — and counter it.


The Corporation, Law, and Capitalism

Bill Bowring Marx & Philosophy Review of Books
This book argues "against ‘cause-lawyering,’'' writes reviewer Bowring, "and attempts to hold corporations criminally liable."

Neoliberal Capitalism at a Dead End

Utsa Patnaik and Prabhat Patnaik Monthly Review
The ideology of neoliberal capitalism was the promise of growth. But with neoliberal capitalism reaching a dead end, this promise disappears and so does this ideological prop.

The Russians Are Coming, Again

Jeremy Kuzmarov and John Marciano Monthly Review
Americans are again being warned daily of the Russian menace, with persistent accusations of Russian aggression, lies, violations of international law, and cyberattacks on U.S. elections, as reported in leading liberal outlets like the New York Times and the Washington Post.

Friday Nite Videos | July 28, 2017

Detroit | Movie. What Is The Shape of Space? Russian Mob Money Helped Build Trump Business Empire. Bernie Sanders: GOP Is Now A Right-Wing Extremist Party. Why White Supremacists Love Tucker Carlson.
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