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The Discovery of Europe

Álvaro Enrigue The New York Review
A new book investigates the lives of the hundreds of thousands of indigenous Americans who were brought to or traveled to Europe in the sixteenth century—a story central to the beginning of globalization.

Race Inequality, Class Inequality

Arthur MacEwan Dollars and Sense
There is a widely held belief, especially among white people, that social welfare programs primarily benefit African Americans. Yet, in virtually all U.S. social support programs, whites are the largest demographic group of recipients.


Bernie Sanders to UAW Rally: “We Refuse To Live in an Oligarchy”

Bernie Sanders Jacobin
Bernie Sanders headlined a United Auto Workers rally in Detroit on the first day of the strike, declaring that “every worker, white collar, blue collar, in between, has got to stand with the UAW in your struggle for justice.” We reprint his remarks

Sarah Polley’s Act of Imagination

Brianna Di Monda Dissent
Women Talking is about the struggle to unearth language capable of describing profound desires for freedom and safety.

Who Is Hustling Who?

Mukoma wa Ngugi Africa is a Country
In Kenya, political elites across the spectrum are trying to sell off the country for themselves—capitulation is inevitable.

US Leaders Split on China Policy

Richard Wolff CounterPunch
On the one hand, U.S. policy aims to constrain China’s economic and military development because it is our chief competitor and thus enemy. On the other hand, it seeks to secure the benefits of U.S. companies’ trade with and investments in China.
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