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U.S. Unions Call for Ceasefire in Gaza

Alexandra Bradbury and Luis Feliz Leon Labor Notes
“Union members come from diverse backgrounds, including Jews, Muslims, and Middle Eastern communities,” says the petition. “The rising escalation of war and arms sales doesn't serve the interests of workers anywhere.”

Friday Nite Videos | March 31, 2023

Criminal Defendant Trump's First Court Date. The January 6th Prisoners Choir Had It Comin’. Bernie Unloads on Howard Schultz at Senate Hearing. Crossborder Mural Project 1997. What America Gets Wrong About the Southern Border | John Leguizamo.

Crossborder Mural Project 1997

Witness the creation of two labor murals (Mexico City / Chicago), linked by the collaborative efforts of unions from both sides of the border.


US Labor Leaders Should Stand With Palestine

Jeff Schuhrke Jacobin
The International Trade Union Confederation, comprised of over 300 national trade union centers from 167 countries, has spoken up for Palestine. The AFL-CIO has not.


May Day statement from industriALL

Valter Sanches industriALL Global Union
Coronavirus has created a unique May Day: for the first time in 130 years, workers of the world will not take to the streets. Physical distancing, however, doesn’t mean that we are far away from each other: we should stay together in solidarity.

Okinawan People Oppose U.S. Military Base Expansion

Kent Wong Portside
Asian Pacific union leaders Seven leaders of the Asian Pacific American Labor Alliance, AFL-CIO (APALA) traveled to Okinawa, October 20–24, 2019, to promote friendship between APALA and Okinawan labor and peace organizations.
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