As those Canadian wildfires suggest, we’re now living on a new, not terribly recognizable, ever more perilous world in which not just this country but Planet Earth itself is in decline. Climate change is quickly becoming the climate emergency.
Rescuers come from all over the world following an earthquake, but when wars are waged, governments send only more munitions, prolonging the agony. Those who have an insatiable appetite for war seldom heed the wreckage they have left behind.
This week marks 20 years since the U.S. invaded Iraq. Tens of millions demonstrated worldwide to try to stop it. On Martin Luther King holiday weekend, we thought back to what Dr. King warned about - US militarism and its disastrous consequences.
Reader Comments: Bank Failures, Deregulation and Fed-Raising Interest Rates; Illegal Invasion of Iraq; Slash Pentagon Budget; Jim Crow South; New Day for UAW; Light Communication; Letters From Langston; US Policy and Taiwan; How Workers Win
None of us can afford to remain silent or apathetic about the devastation we continue to cause to innocent civilians. The money being spent on war must be redirected to those most impacted by U.S. aggression.
History offers countless examples of societies refashioned in the wake of disorder. For the United States, a first step toward a just new order requires naming the mistakes—the violations of law and morality, the crimes against humanity.
America’s wars on drugs, crime, terrorism and more — along with our endless involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan — have created a weapons-saturated politics of policing, border control and mass incarceration. This reshaping is not one-dimensional...
Reader Comments: Peace Movement-Then, Now?; Lessons from History-Centrality of Black-white unity; Roberto Clementine Book Restored; Ukrainian War - Differing Perspectives on the Left; Honoring Pathbreakers-Celebrating International Women's Day
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