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Tidbits – Feb.15, 2024 – Reader Comments: Israeli Settlements–Obstacle to Peace; High Grocery Bills; Phil Ochs; Standing Together; Pelosi, Biden, Solipsism; We Who Believe in Freedom – Songs and Stories; Holly Near; Celebrating Barbara Ehrenreich;

Reader Comments: Israeli Settlements--Obstacle to Peace; Grocery Bills Still High; Phil Ochs; Standing Together; Pelosi, Biden, Solipsism; We Who Believe In Freedom - Songs and Stories; Holly Near; Celebrating Barbara Ehrenreich; How to Sue the Klan;

US Charitable Donations Are Funding Displacement of Palestinians

Mohammed Khatib Truthout
When the first Land Day occurred, Palestinians understood the land grab by the Israeli government. The premise has always been taking away the lands of the surrounding Palestinian villages, so the communities would have nowhere left to build.

The Smearing of Emma Watson

Sut Jhally and Roger Waters Globetrotter / Independent Media Institute
Emma Watson is part of a fast-growing choir of decent like-minded people of good faith all over the world, united in the belief that all people, irrespective of their ethnicity or religion or nationality, must have inalienable human rights...
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