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It’s Time for American Jews To Recognize a Palestinian State

Rob Eshman Forward
There’s one question that should guide nations — or you, — in deciding whether to recognize a Palestinian state: Will doing so bring Israel and Palestinians closer to peace, or not? Recognition will help ensure a strong future for the Jewish people.

The New Anti-Antisemitism

Rick Perlstein The American Prospect
You know who has good reason to fear for their safety? People, many of them Jews, getting pummeled by cops and fascists. People getting high-powered rifles aimed at them from rooftops by agents of the state told to be ready to shoot....

Tidbits – May 9 – Reader Comments: Graduation 2024; College Presidents Cave to GOP in Congress; Why University Divestment Matters; We Need “Outside Agitators”; Diary of a Palestinian Living in Israel; Lots of Announcements; Cartoons; More…

Reader Comments: Graduation 2024; College Presidents Cave to GOP in Congress; Why University Divestment Matters; We Need “Outside Agitators”; Diary of a Palestinian Living in Israel; Lots of Announcements; Cartoons; more.....

Tidbits – May 2 – Reader Comments: UAW’s Fain in Solidarity With Students; Letter to Columbia Pres Shafik; Students Need Our Support Now; Anti-Zionism in the Jewish Community; Research Tools for Organizers; Setting a Larger Table-Religion & Socialism

Reader Comments: UAW's Sean Fain in Solidarity with Students; Letter to Columbia President Shafik; Students need our support now; Anti-Zionism in the Jewish Community; Research Tools for Organizers; Setting a Larger Table - Religion & Socialism; more

Why They Hate Us: Anti-Zionism in the Jewish Community

Alan Wagman CounterPunch
We must demonstrate that one can leave Zionism and still be part of a Jewish community that lives its traditions, its values, and – if so inclined – its spiritual life with vitality and integrity.

The Great Rupture in American Jewish Life

Peter Beinart New York Times
For the last decade or so, an ideological tremor has been unsettling American Jewish life. Since Oct. 7, it has become an earthquake. It concerns the relationship between liberalism and Zionism....

Schumer Spoke for Diaspora Jews

Harold Meyerson The American Prospect
Schumer was giving voice to what most Democratic officeholders believed but were afraid to say, and he clearly had the blessing of President Biden to go ahead and make that speech. It also showed the divide between Israeli Jews and diaspora Jews.
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