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Trump Has Ordered a Hit on Judaism

Dave Zirin The Nation
Under the guise of “fighting antisemitism,” Trump is shredding our rights and telling us we are safe. "The truth is that they hate us. We should have some pride and return the favor. Jew, not a Jew? Once a joke. Now an open threat."

The ADL Goes Quiet on Some Hatreds

Danielle Bryant New York Daily News
Former ADL education director lays bare the dirty secret: "ADL has long abandoned its stated mission of securing justice and fair treatment for all. Instead, it shields Israel from criticism over its decades-long oppression of the Palestinian people"

States Don’t Have a Right To Exist. People Do.

Peter Beinart New York Times
If America’s leaders prioritized the lives of all those who live between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea, it would become clear that asking if Israel has a right to exist is the wrong question.

It’s Time for American Jews To Recognize a Palestinian State

Rob Eshman Forward
There’s one question that should guide nations — or you, — in deciding whether to recognize a Palestinian state: Will doing so bring Israel and Palestinians closer to peace, or not? Recognition will help ensure a strong future for the Jewish people.

The New Anti-Antisemitism

Rick Perlstein The American Prospect
You know who has good reason to fear for their safety? People, many of them Jews, getting pummeled by cops and fascists. People getting high-powered rifles aimed at them from rooftops by agents of the state told to be ready to shoot....
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