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Tariffs Don’t Protect Jobs. Don’t Be Fooled.

Richard D. Wolff Independent Media Institute - Economy For All
Both Trump and Biden imposed high tariffs on imported products made in China and other countries. Those impositions broke with and departed from the previous half century’s policies favoring “free trade.”

Friday Nite Videos | July 12, 2024

Top Dems Pull Away From Biden. I'm Leaving On A Jet Plane (Parody). The Billionaire Family Suffocating Rural America. Clarence Thomas Tries To Protect Himself. “I’m Bored, So I Shoot”: Israeli Troops Authorized to Shoot at Will.

The Democrats Are Slow-Walking Into Fascism

Van Gosse The Nation
Is doubling down on a candidate who is almost certainly going to lose really the best the left can do? Until and unless Schumer and Jeffries, joined perhaps by Pelosi and Clyburn, make that visit to the White House, we remain stuck in never land.

Tidbits – July 11 – Reader Comments: Project 2025–What Is It, What It Will Do to Us; What Biden Should Do; What’s the Meaning of Solidarity?; Remembering Jane McAlevey – Tribute July 27; Counting the Dead in Gaza – Death Toll Could Exceed 186,000;

Reader Comments: Project 2025 - What Is It, What It Will Do to Us and the Country; What Biden Should Do; What’s the Meaning of Solidarity?; Remembering Jane McAlevey - Tribute July 27; Counting the Dead in Gaza - Death Toll Could Exceed 186,000;


Workers Need New Heat Protections Immediately

Alex N. Press Jacobin
The Biden administration has proposed a desperately needed new heat standard to protect workers from scorching temperatures. Expect business groups to oppose it.

Friday Nite Videos | July 5, 2024

How to Replace Biden. Trump’s Second Term | John Oliver. The Legacy of Slavery in America. Why the Mandelbrot Set Matters. Why Humans Are Vanishing.

How to Replace Biden

Longtime Democratic National Committee member Jim Zogby proposes a process by which to pick a new nominee
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