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Tidbits – July 18 – Reader Comments: GOP Convention and Trump Shooting; Ocasio-Cortez Takes On Thomas and Alito; IDF Ordered Hannibal Directive on Oct 7; Protest Netanyahu’s Visit to Congress; at the Heart of Health in Cuba Tour; Cartoons, More…

Reader Comments: GOP Convention and Trump Shooting; Ocasio-Cortez Takes On Thomas and Alito; IDF Ordered Hannibal Directive on Oct 7; Protest Netanyahu’s Visit to Congress; At the Heart of Health in Cuba - People-to-People Tour; Cartoons, more....

Tidbits - Reader Comments, Resources, Announcements, AND cartoons - July 18, 2024,Portside





Security Detail  --  Cartoon by Nick Anderson

Nick Anderson
July 15, 2024
Pen Strokes


America's Hitler  --  Cartoon by Paul North

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Paul North
July 16, 2024
The New Yorker


Re: What Trump Doesn’t Want You To Know About Project 2025

This is what is important, this should be our focus.



Special White Heritage Month Book Sale! ‘Project 2025: Fascism for Dummies’  --  Cartoon by Lalo Alcaraz


Lalo Alcaraz
July 11, 2024


Re: Judicial Reckoning: Ocasio-Cortez Takes On Thomas and Alito

I do not agree that this is likely to "tame" the court. But what I think it may do is help delegitimize the court among the public. At some point, as the court continues to define themselves as god-kings, especially if Trump does not win this election, the Democrats are going to have to simply defy the court. For example if the Democratic Party wins the electoral college and swing states controlled by Republicans simply throw out Democratic victories and assign their electoral votes to Trump (with this court cheering them on) Democrats will have to simply insist on counting the actual winners in those states - telling the Court "You have made your ruling. Enforce it yourselves." For this to work the public has to understand that the court is bought and paid for and is no longer able to make legitimate binding rulings.

Gar Lipow
Posted on Portside's Facebook page


Re: What Joe Biden Could Do: Resign and Make Kamala Harris President

The first woman president needs to be chosen not by experts and back room folks, but by voters. "And it would be a hell of a spectacle " . We don't want a spectacle, we want a candidate selected by the voters, the people. Where were all these experts in January, when there was time to mount a challenge to Biden in the primaries? Are we headed for a talking heads Democratic Party with support from the Wall Street elite? Where is the left in all this. The Democrats always need us to walk and work, but where are left voices?

Charles Patrick Lynch
Posted on Portside's Facebook page


How Losers Win...--  Meme



Re: Why Bernie Sanders Is Thanking Elon Musk

Good job Jake!

How about a follow up???  How much did the 2012, 2016, 2020 elections for preside. in total donations from pacs supporting the two major candidates, pacs against each of the candidates, political party donations and individual contribution to candidates pacs, etc. 

We have the best politicians money can buy.  And they nearly all have been bought.  Peace!  Buzz Davis, Veterans for Peace in Tucson 608-239-5354

Sadly campaign fin. reform is not a major issue on politicians radar nor is public financing for all Fed. and state and local political offices.


    Click here -

Buzz Davis


Re: Sticking With High Rates Will Crash the Economy

Is there anything more boring and vitally important than taxes? Well, yes, imo, obviously: Monetary policy of the Fed. Here, via Portside, economists explain fairly clearly why raising interest rates has been ruinous for the rest of us while the rich sail through safety. The Fed policy of raining interest rates has placed the burden of inflation-fighting squarely on us and lets the rich off the hook. There’s a reason people are unhappy notwithstanding low unemployment rates: we, many of us, are in trouble. Unless and until Biden et al. stop singing “happy days are here again” many of us will have difficulty supporting his policy of burdening the rest of us and letting the corporations and the rich off Scot free.

Daniel Millstone
Posting on Facebook


Re: IDF Ordered Hannibal Directive on October 7 to Prevent Hamas Taking Soldiers Captive

So, does this mean, as I've heard rumors of before now, that Israel itself was responsible for many of the Israeli deaths in the Oct.7 attack by Hamas? Is the IDF responsible for the burned out cars with burned corpses, as well as the burned down and/or exploded residences? If so I, the number of Israelis killed by Hamas on Oct.7 should be amended (down).

Judyth Hollub
Posted on Portside's Facebook page


Matching Blood Type  --  Cartoon by Clay Jones


Clay Jones
July 16, 2024
Clay Jones on X


Join Us to Protest Netanyahu’s Visit to Congress  --  July 24  (US Campaign for Palestinian Rights Action (USCPR Action) and Adalah Justice Project, American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC), The Rising Majority, MPower Action Fund, Jewish Voice for Peace Action)


Wednesday, July 24 - 11AM EDT

Where: The Capitol, Washington DC

Why: To draw a red line against genocide. To show up now, when it’s most important.

Join the National Mobilization here to #RejectTheSpeech.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is slated to address Congress next week — as Gaza burns.

We have no choice but to show up, online and in person, to #RejectTheSpeech

THIS JULY 24: surround the U.S. Capitol and issue a notice of Citizen’s Arrest for Benjamin Netanyahu for crimes against humanity! The U.S. government has invited the Prime Minister of Israel to address Congress while he carries out a genocide against the Palestinian people. We won’t let a war criminal walk the streets of DC!

The people of the world stand with Palestine and against the genocide committed by Israel with the full agreement of the United States. In Washington DC, we will surround the Capitol building while the U.S. war criminals cheer on (and fund!) Israel’s genocidal campaign and welcome Netanyahu inside. 

Sponsored by: US Campaign for Palestinian Rights Action (USCPR Action)

Additional Sponsors: Adalah Justice Project, American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC), The Rising Majority, MPower Action Fund, Jewish Voice for Peace Action


  • 18 Million Rising
  • 99 Coalition
  • Aaron Bushnell Liberation Foundation
  • Al Hub Chicago
  • Al-Awda, Palestine Right of Return Movement
  • Al-Furqaan Foundation
  • AL-Nahda Center
  • Alkalam Institute
  • Alliance for Democracy (US)
  • Alliance for Water Justice in Palestine
  • American Center for Justice
  • American Civic and Humanitarian Coalition
  • American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC)
  • Anakbayan DC
  • Animal Rights for Palestine
  • Anticapitalism for Artists
  • Arab American Association of New York
  • Arab Americans for Syria
  • Austin With Palestine
  • Australia Solidarity with Latin America
  • Baltimore Nonviolence Center
  • Bangladeshi-Americans for Political Progress (BAPP)
  • Beit Sahour USA
  • Beyond the Ballot
  • Bianca For San Francisco
  • BiH Memories Foundation
  • Black Education Matters
  • Brand
  • Bronx Anti War Coalition
  • Bronx Climate Justice North
  • Canadian BDS Coalition and International BDS Allies
  • Catalyst Project
  • Catholics for Palestine
  • Cattaraugus-Allegany Liberation Collective (CALC)
  • Cattaraugus-Allegany Liberation Collectiven
  • Ceasefire 2024
  • CeasefireMV
  • Center for the Study of Islam and Decoloniality
  • Chicago Antiwar Coalition (CAWC)
  • Claudia Jones School for Political Education
  • Colorado Palestine Coalition
  • Committee for a Just Peace in Palestine/Israel
  • Committee of Anti-Imperialists in Solidarity with Iran (CASI)
  • Community Mvmt Builders
  • Community Peacemaker Teams
  • Community Power Collective
  • Council on American Islamic Relations
  • CUNY4Palestine
  • Damayan Migrant Workers Association
  • David Bethuel Jamieson Studio House and Archives at Walbridge
  • DC Young Communist League
  • Dearborn Blog
  • Decolonizing Sexualities Network
  • Defend Deocracy in Brazil Committee - New York
  • Delawareans for P
  • Democratic Socialists of America
  • Detroit Jericho Movement
  • Diáspora Pa’lante Collective
  • Direct Action United
  • Dissenters
  • Doctors Against Genocide
  • Dorothy Day Catholic Worker
  • Dorothy Dayb Catholic Worker
  • DRUM - Desis Rising up & Moving
  • Engineers Against Apartheid
  • Espacio Migrante
  • Feminists For Justice In/For Palestine
  • Fifth Sun Project
  • Fire This Time Movement for Social Justice
  • Florida Palestine Network
  • Foundation for Economic & Social Justice
  • Free Democratic Palestine Movement (FDPM)
  • Free Palestine Movement
  • Freedom Road Socialist Organization
  • Friends of Sabeel North America (FOSNA)
  • fruit of labor world cultural center
  • Gaza's Children
  • General Strike U.S. Detroit/Downriver
  • Genesee Valley Citizens for Peace
  • Global Network Against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space
  • Global Women's Strike
  • Grassroots Global Justice Alliance
  • Greenbank Wellness Studio
  • Hands Off Uhuru! Hands Off Africa!
  • Harriet’s Wildest Dreams
  • Harrisburg Palestine Coalition
  • Hindus for Human Rights
  • Humanti Project
  • Inclusive Muslims of Central Virginia
  • Institute for the Critical Study of Zionism
  • Interfaith Communities United for Justice and Peace (ICUJP)
  • International Action Center
  • International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network
  • International Women's Alliance
  • InterReligious Task Force on Central America
  • Israel/Palestine Mission Network of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)
  • JaneTech inc
  • Jewish Voice for Peace
  • Jews for Palestinian Right of Return
  • Justice 48
  • Justice Advocacy Network
  • Kalamazoo Nonviolent Opponents of War
  • Kashmir Gulposh
  • kNOwBiaS
  • Lantern Islamic Theater
  • Latina Muslimahs Circle
  • Lavender Phoenix
  • Lebanese Expatriate Movement
  • Lincoln Ave Progressives
  • Livonia Salon
  • Los Ronderos de las Redes
  • M4BL
  • Maine Voices for Palestinian Rights
  • Malcolm X Center
  • Malden for Palestine
  • Marxist-Leninst Party of Canada
  • Maryland 2 Palestine
  • Massachusetts Peace Action
  • MD2Palestine
  • Memory Productions
  • Michigan Peace Council
  • Michigan Task Force for Palestine
  • Mobilization Against War & Occupation (MAWO)
  • Monsoon
  • Motherful
  • MPower Change Action Fund
  • MSA National
  • Muslim
  • Muslim American Society
  • Muslim Student Association
  • Muslim Ummah of North America (MUNA)
  • Muslims for Just Futures
  • MXGM
  • National Arab American Women’s Association (NAAWA)
  • National Lawyer's Guild - Detroit Mercy Law
  • National Lawyers Guild International
  • National Women's Studies Association
  • NDN Collective
  • Nevada Green Party
  • New England Muslim Center
  • New Paltz Women in Black
  • New York Peace Council
  • New York Young Communist League
  • No Tech For Apartheid
  • No To Hate
  • North Alabama Peace Network
  • North Bronx Racial Justice
  • Nuremberg Now
  • NYC Dissenters
  • NYC Workers for Palestine
  • Ohio Peace Council
  • Olive Branch Fair Trade Inc
  • PAL-Awda NY/NJ
  • Palestinan American Community Center
  • Palestine Diaspora Movement
  • Palestine Solidarity Caucus of the Graduate Labor Organization
  • Palestine Solidarity Committee - Pakistan
  • Palestine Solidarity Committee of Saint John
  • Palestinian American Community Center
  • Palestinian American Women’s Association of Southern California
  • Palestinian Christian Alliance for Peace
  • Partners for Palestine
  • Payday men's network
  • People's Ideas
  • Peoples Power Assembly
  • Philadelphia Untitled Medical Collective
  • Pink Flamingo Detroit
  • Poor People's Army
  • Pride at  Work Eastern Massachusetts
  • Principles NOT Parties
  • Progressive Democrats of America - Arizona
  • Queers Undermining Israeli Terrorism (QUIT!)
  • Racine Coalition for Peace and Justice
  • Red Nation
  • ReThinking Foreign Policy
  • Revcom Corps for the Emancipation of Humanity
  • Rockaway for Ceasefire
  • Rockland for Palestine
  • SAG-AFTRA & Sister Guild Members for Ceasefire
  • Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network
  • San Jose Against War
  • San Jose Peace and Justice Center
  • Santa Feans for Justice in Palestine
  • Savage Daughters
  • Sisters in the Struggle
  • Sonoma County for Palestine
  • Sonoma State University Students for Justice in Palestine
  • St. Pete for Peace
  • STOP Manifesta
  • Students for Justice in Palestine at NYU
  • Students for Justice in Palestine UMD
  • Sumud Podcast
  • Sunrise DC
  • Swing States for Peace
  • Teaching Palestine: Pedagogical Praxis and the Indivisibility of Justice
  • The Black Unicorn Collective
  • The Key Palestine
  • The Lily and Earle M. Pilgrim Art Foundation
  • The Lusory
  • The Peace and Justice Coalition of Prince Georges County Maryland
  • The Unitarian Universalist Socialist Network
  • The Washington Report on Middle East Affairs
  • Theater Workers for a Ceasefire
  • Tikkun Olam Fair Trade Hand Made Judaica
  • Titan YDSA
  • Toronto Forum on Cuba
  • UAW Labor for Palestine
  • United American Indians of New England (UAINE)
  • United Liberation Front for Palestine
  • United Musicians and Allied Workers (UMAW)
  • United Union of Roofers, Waterproofers and Allied Workers Local 36
  • University of Detroit Mercy SJP
  • US Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel
  • Chap#126
  • Veterans For Peace
  • Veterans For Peace - Pittsburgh
  • Veterans For Peace, Chapter 23, Rochester, NY
  • Virginia Coalition for Human Rights
  • Visualizing Palestine
  • War Resisters League
  • Will Miller Social Justice Lecture Series
  • Winchester4Palestine
  • Women Against Military Madness
  • Women In Struggle/ Mujeres En Lucha
  • Women of Color/Global Women’s Strike
  • Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, US
  • Workers World Party
  • World BEYOND War
  • Xicanx Institute for Teaching & Organizing
  • Yalies4Palestine
  • Yemeni Liberation Movement


‘At the Heart of Health in Cuba:  Professionals, Communities, and Culture’ -  People-to-People Gateways Trip  - Register by August 15  (MEDICC)


WHEN & WHERE: December 1-7, 2024 in Havana, Cuba 
LODGING: Casa Italia, Miramar, Havana

You are invited to join MEDICC in Havana for an unforgettable journey through Cuba's healthcare landscape and vibrant culture.

You can expect to hear from Cuban scientists on details of their research and innovations, while health and medical professionals share their experiences, strategies, and challenges. Joined as well by environmental leaders and community leaders, we hope that you will take advantage of this unique opportunity to explore with Cuban colleagues the pivotal roles of science, culture, community, and health in achieving global health security, equity, and the health of our planet.

This people-to-people travel is organized by MEDICC, a U.S. nonprofit with over 25 years of experience sponsoring travel to Cuba for health professionals, writers, policy makers, foundation executives, planetary health activists, artists, community leaders, and more. This group will be kept small to ensure more in-depth exchanges in Cuba and with each other.

More information - Click here

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Oakland, CA 94612-3409

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Decatur, GA 30036