Thousands of workers across the country hit the streets this week to declare their opposition to Trump and Musk who, under the guise of “efficiency,” are slashing and burning public services.
Reader Comments: Stop the Deportations, Stop the Layoffs, Stop the Administrative Coup!; Here Are 10 Things You Can Do To Resist; Longtime ‘Loyal’ Dem Voters Fed Up With Party’s Inaction; "Innocent Gesture"; 16 Million Workers Were Unionized in 2024;
"I will be pursuing all legal avenues to challenge my removal, which violates long-standing Supreme Court precedent," fired NLRB member Gwynne Wilcox, who was fired along with National Labor Relations Board General Counsel Jennifer Abruzzo.
Osborn’s campaign clearly hit a chord among working people. On election day, Osborn’s 47 percent showing against Fischer—in a state Kamala Harris lost by 59 to 39 percent—confirmed the crossover appeal of Osborn’s blue-collar agenda among voters.
These exploitative dynamics are rooted in slavery and are particularly extreme in the South, which incarcerates people—primarily Black men—at the highest rates in the world.
Natascha Elena Uhlmann and Sarah Lazare
Labor Notes
To keep up the offensive fight, defense may be necessary. Organized workers can pressure employers to deny entry to ICE agents who arrive without an arrest or search warrant—or at least restrict the search area only to what is listed in the document.
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