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Jeremy Corbyn's Conference Speech in Full

Jeremy Corbyn Morning Star
Jeremy Corbyn at Britain's Labour Party Conference announces a radical plan to rebuild and transform Britain as an alternative to the politics of austerity, of social division and international conflict.

Global Left Midweek - September 26, 2018

Brazilian Women Represent, Corbyn and Antisemitism, Cuba and Racism, Québec Solidaire, Left Unity in India, Poland's Rising Star, South African Workers Divided

Jeremy Corbyn is About to Transform the Labour Party – Again

Richard Power Sayeed The Independent
If the Labour leader gets his way, when you think of Labour, you won’t imagine rows of MPs on green leather benches. Instead, you’ll think of activists reinvigorating their estate’s tenants association.

The Blueprint

Rónán Burtenshaw, Max Shanly Jacobin
Labour’s manifesto offers a vision to radically improve the lives of millions. This article has a link to the Labour Party manifesto.

Jeremy Corbyn's Church House Speech

Jeremy Corbyn Morning Star
The establishment complains I don’t play the rules: by which they mean their rules. We can’t win, they say, because we don’t play their game. We don’t accept that it is natural for Britain to be governed by a ruling elite, that the people just have to take what they’re given. And in a sense, the establishment is right. I don’t play by their rules. And if a Labour Government is elected on 8 June, we still then we won’t play by their rules either.
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