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Lula’s Victory Is a Testament to Solidarity

Jeremy Corbyn Progressive International
I hope those who cheer Lula’s victory pay attention to the source of his success. The route to a greener and fairer future is not through focus groups, it is through mobilisation of a multi-racial working-class, galvanised by the prospect of a government bold enough to act.

How the Left Can Build Its Own Politics

Hilary Wainwright Red Pepper
Confidence in the possibility to bring about change has often been built and rebuilt through local, frequently incomplete, victories independent of the Labour Party.


Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor New York Review of Books
The protests of 2020 revealed the extent to which our political movements are at a real crossroads. Do we continue to place the vast majority of our hopes on conventional politics? Or do we really begin to engage in the necessary project of rebuilding a radical, even revolutionary left?

MAGA Is Focused and All In. Are We?

Max Elbaum Converge Magazine
‘The main political responsibility of the Left is to identify, assemble, animate, and unite the social forces capable of accomplishing the primary breakthrough required at each moment.’

Left-Wing Populism Can Win in Trump-Voting Areas, Too

Interview with Jonathan Smucker and Allison Troy by Jared Abbott Jacobin
Progressives write off Republican-leaning counties across America to their own detriment. With working-class candidates, populist messaging, and effective organization, we can make major inroads in “Trump country” that will pay dividends for years to come.

Trump, Texas, and the MAGA Drive for Power

Max Elbaum ORganizing Upgrade
When we demonstrate on the ground that radicals are the most reliable and effective fighters against the mortal threat of Trumpism, we maximize our chances of gaining support for our perspective and our organizations.

Healthy Group Accountability: Learning How to Learn

Michael Strom and Joshua Kahn Russell Organizing Upgrade
They ultimately decided that achieving the group’s purpose (meeting the needs of their base), required them to hold each other with both compassion and rigor. Accountability was actually a requirement on the path to power and transformation.

Cuba’s Crisis, Our Response

Margaret Randall NACLA
Let us help Cuba become what its revolution has promised rather than try to mold it to some specious image in which profit obliterates justice and equality.
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