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Review of Communists in Closets

Martha Sonnenberg New Politics
In this book Bettina Aptheker looks deeply into the radical commitment and contributions of many gay and lesbian members of the Communist Party (CP and CPUSA). The book provides an opening salvo to a wider discussion of how, or even if, the Left has responded to the “new forces and new passions” present in the LGBTQ liberation movement, and whether this has affected the concept of social transformation.

Tidbits – Mar. 09, 2023 – Reader Comments: Police Culture; Woke Origins; Women; Announcements: Mumia Abu-Jamal; New Deal for CUNY; Love Rising Benefit Concert – Tenn; Reclaiming Water for the Public Good; Celebration of Dr. Antonia Pantoja;

Reader Comments: Police Culture; Woke Origins; Women; Announcements: Mumia Abu-Jamal; New Deal for CUNY; Love Rising Benefit Concert; Reclaiming Water for the Public Good; Centennial Year Celebration of Dr. Antonia Pantoja; Cartoons; more ....
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