While the timing of the release raises questions, we must not forget to ask: Who benefits? Why was it made? Who released the audio? Who made it? What was their goal? Do we really want to heal?
The current crisis has unleashed unleashed a firestorm of protest that could further divide the city’s communities. But it is also a chance to forge real unity in opposition to the city’s long-standing power brokers.
Reader Comments: Los Angeles City Hall Racism; Segregation; Amazon workers; Alabama PaperMill Workers; Ukraine War dissent; Covid-19 Protocols and Feminist Ethics of Care; Abortion Access-A Workers' Issue; Cartoons; Announcements; more;
“Black, brown and poor white folks in prisons and jails are coming from communities where they are at greater risk for these social and environmental threats. Then they are being siphoned off, extracted, taken hostage and locked up in cages..."
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