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A Chilling Effect of Louisiana’s Abortion Law

Lora Kelley The Atlantic
Louisiana just became the first state to reclassify abortion pills as controlled dangerous substances. The law may signal a new strategy to curb reproductive-health-care access in post-Roe America.

Friday Nite Videos | February 18, 2022

Jordan Klepper Takes on Canadian Truckers. When the Levee Breaks | Playing for Change. Louisiana Senate Candidate Burns Confederate Flag. How Pandemics End. Attica - Largest Prison Uprising in US History.

Children Hospitalized with COVID-19 in U.S. Hits Record Number

Gabriella Borter Reuters
The U.S. now has an average of about 129,000 new COVID-19 cases per day, a rate that has doubled in a little over two weeks, and an average of 600 people are dying each day of COVID-19, double the death rate seen in late July.

Addressing Black Maternal Mortality in the South

Elisha Brown Facing South
The importance of this campaign, this movement, is not just to address health care issues of Black women but to actually give us the platform to where women like ourselves and women that are coming behind us will not have to deal with this issue...
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