We face a second insurrection today, and most people have no idea how closely it’s modeled on the first one. The new GOP motto might as well be, “We don’t need no stinkin’ issues; we just want power and revenge for the heroes of the Old South.”
Desperate to avoid prison—and needing cash to win reelection, so he can pardon himself—Trump is selling his administration’s domestic and foreign policy to the highest bidder. He is traveling from billionaire to billionaire, with hat in hand....
The first time I saw Casablanca was 1992, The most recent was last night. On each viewing, I notice something I hadn’t seen before, walk away with something new. Casablanca is often described as a romance—and it is. It is a drama. It is a war film...
Trump and his allies are planning to “deconstruct” the administrative state by stripping its power and forcing out tens of thousands of workers. That will put all of our lives at risk.
Don’t make the mistake of associating gangs like Haiti’s with a “primitive” stage of political development or only with countries on the geopolitical margins. What’s happening there today could prefigure the future of the United States, too.
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