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The Christian Right Is Coming for Divorce

Anna North Vox
A counter-revolution is brewing: Conservative commentators and lawmakers are calling for an end to no-fault divorce, arguing that it has harmed men and even destroyed the fabric of society.

Sunday Science: FAMILY TIES

Andrew Curry Science
Giant family trees based on ancient DNA from thousands of people are revealing prehistoric politics and social structure

To Have and to Hold. Reproduction, Marriage, and the Constitution.

Jill Lepore The New Yorker
There is a lesson in the past fifty years of litigation. When the fight for equal rights for women narrowed to a fight for reproductive rights, defended on the ground of privacy, it weakened. But when the fight for gay rights became a fight for same-sex marriage, asserted on the ground of equality, it got stronger and stronger.

Roy Zimmerman -- 'Defenders of Marriage'

In honor of Ireland's first-ever national referendum enshrining the right of marriage, we present the inimitable Roy Zimmerman's satirical take on 'Defenders of Marriage.'


The Changing American Family

Natalie Angier New York Times
Researchers who study the structure and evolution of the American family express astonishment at how rapidly the family has changed in recent years. Fewer women are becoming mothers, and those who do are having fewer children. Families are becoming more socially egalitarian but, as economic disparities widen, the marital class divide has sharpened. Fewer women are becoming mothers and one big reason is the soaring cost of raising children.
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