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Republicans Prepare To Gut Medicaid

Paul Krugman Paul Krugman Substack
Republicans West Virginia helped put in power are preparing to impose savage cuts on a program that has literally been a lifeline for many in the state, in order to help offset the cost of huge tax cuts for high-income Americans... Populism!

Trump Sends Conflicting Medicaid Cut Messages

Ben Leonard, Adam Cancryn and Robert King Politico
Republicans are getting worried about how much they’ll have to cut from the popular health safety-net program, and whether the president will protect them from political blowback.

Tidbits – Sept. 19 – Reader Comments: Lies About Haitian Immigrants; Rev. Barber; Readers Disagree on Ranked Choice Voting; Leonard Peltier’s Continued Imprisonment; Govt Knew Ethel Rosenberg Not Spy; Find Affordable Child Care Near You; More…

Reader Comments: Lies About Haitian Immigrants; Rev. Barber: Prophet for the Poor; Readers Disagree on Ranked Choice Voting; Leonard Peltier’s Continued Imprisonment; Govt Knew Ethel Rosenberg Not Spy; Find Affordable Child Care Near You; more....

When the State Comes for Your Estate

Safiya Charles Type Investigations
Medicaid was designed to provide healthcare for the poorest Americans. But after death, their relatives can be socked with massive bills, as one Charlotte family learned.

A Prescription for Housing?

Rachel M. Cohen Vox
States prepare to use Medicaid for rental assistance for the first time. With rents growing to their most unaffordable levels ever, some states are preparing to use federal Medicaid dollars in the hopes that health will improve as housing stabilizes.

5 Reasons Why a Debt Commission Is the Wrong Prescription

Sharon Parrott, Joel Friedman Center on Budget and Policy Priorities
Raising revenues is central to any responsible effort to reduce deficits, but there is no sign that long-standing Republican resistance to raising revenues has reversed or even softened.
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