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Long COVID Puzzle Pieces Are Falling Into Place

Ziyad Al-Aly The Conversation
Important progress is being made in understanding the pathways by which long COVID wreaks havoc on the body. Studies suggest that an abnormal immune response may underlie long COVID. Removing these antibodies may hold promise as a treatment.

The Key to Longevity Is Boring

Brad Stulberg New York Times
It follows from reputable studies of longevity that the best protocol for living a good, long, fulfilled and productive life is to focus on nailing what actually matters, and then not stress about the rest

We Finally Know Why Some People Got COVID While Others Didn’t

Marko Nikolic and Kaylee Worlock The Conversation
In our "challenge study," one gene produced much more of a specific protein in volunteers who did not develop a sustained COVID infection. This finding has significant implications for future treatments and for vaccine development.

Single Dose of LSD Highly Effective at Treating Anxiety

Colin Davidson The Conversation
Over 80 years after its discovery, LSD may finally have found a medical application. A new study shows that it is highly effective at treating generalised anxiety disorder for up to 12 weeks with just a single dose. And it is fast acting.
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