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Tidbits – Aug. 1 – Reader Comments: Netanyahu’s Bellicose Congressional Address; VP Pick Who Could Ruin Unity; Sonya Massey Should Still Be Alive; Unarmed Response; Top 1% Have More Wealth Than Entire Middle Class; Week of Action for Utility Justice

Reader Comments: Netanyahu’s Bellicose Congressional Address; VP Pick Who Could Ruin Unity; Sonya Massey Should Still Be Alive; Argument for Unarmed Response; Top 1% Have More Wealth Than Entire Middle Class; Week of Action for Utility Justice; more


Social Class in the 21st Century

Lynsey Hanley The Guardian
Discussions taking place in liberal political circles in this country increasingly define class according to education level. Here, from the United Kingdom, is a different and perhaps more complex approach to this issue.

‘The White Republic’: Concluding Thoughts by Bob Wing

Bob Wing Organizing Upgrade
Should we win socialism and eliminate capitalism in the U.S., significant racist stratification of the working class will continue. We will need to systematically root it out and defeat the racist forces within the working and middle class.

Key to Strategy #1: Know Your Enemy

Max Elbaum Organizing Upgrade
To “know” our enemy, we need to grasp its essential character, its strengths, and its vulnerabilities.That translates today into getting the clearest possible picture of the racist and authoritarian coalition that has “Make America Great Again”.

Conservative Think-Tank Finds Biden Tax Hike Only Hurts the Rich

Jonathan Chait New York Magazine
Biden is not going to quadruple anybody’s taxes, but he will increase the tax burden on the very rich. The richest 5 percent of taxpayers would bear almost the entire burden of Biden’s plan, which would raise $2.8 trillion over the next decade...

Racism and the Working Class

Jack Metzgar Working-Class Perspectives
If there is a common working-class culture across racial and ethnic groups, as I think there is, white racism cannot be part of what is common in that culture, because about 40% of the American working class is not white.

Feminist Consciousness: Race and Class

Amanda Martins Meeting Ground
Large demonstration of women in Brazil 2019 Among the most controversial topics in feminism are the race and class questions, which have motivated many women to develop new theories that encompass multiple realities taking into account region, race, economy and sexuality.


Class Consciousness Comes to America

Karen Nussbaum The American Prospect
Even in Trump country, pro-union sentiment is rising. But can labor and its allies turn that sentiment into power?


Why Millennial Precarity Should Change The Way We Think About Class

Lauren Nicole Clark The Establishment
With the bleak future millennials are facing, it must be asked: Will the cultural capital of middle classness retain the same meaning as the middle class in America continues to erode? Or will class culture and consciousness evolve?
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