Trump's plan to relocate two million Palestinians ensnares the leaders of all Middle Eastern countries, not just Egypt and Jordan, in a dilemma fraught with threats. In doing so, he fostered a new sense of Arab unity
Benjamin Netanyahu's eye-rolling video, in which he accused the Americans of holding up an arms shipment and yet again evoked Winston Churchill, is him playing politics – it's the only thing he knows how to do.
An all-too-rare organization of Israeli Palestinians and Jews works for an unfantastical solution to the enduring conflict. What sets Standing Together apart is the realism that informs their strategy, politically marginal as that realism now may be.
Schumer was giving voice to what most Democratic officeholders believed but were afraid to say, and he clearly had the blessing of President Biden to go ahead and make that speech. It also showed the divide between Israeli Jews and diaspora Jews.
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A leading Israeli think tank warns the country's “special relationship” with the US is in danger due to a progressive shift among American Jews, which poses a strategic threat to Israel.
From Lebanon, Iraq and Syria to Sudan and Yemen, millions of people in the Middle East whose lives were already upended by conflict, displacement and poverty are now wondering where their next meals will come from.
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