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Tidbits - July 22, 2021 - Reader Comments: GOP Wants Wolves to Investigate Themselves; COVID Re-Do; Cuba; Portside's Israel coverage; Space travel; Boycott Pepsico - Support Frito-Lay Workers; Afghanistan; Medicare; Medicare for All; more....

Reader Comments: GOP Wants Wolves to Investigate Themselves; COVID Re-Do; Cuba; Ethel Rosenberg's Murder; Portside's Israel coverage; Space travel; Boycott Pepsico - Support Frito-Lay Workers; Afghanistan; Medicare; Medicare for All; more....

What Ilhan Omar Actually Said

Elizabeth Bruenig The Atlantic
No one should believe that Ilhan Omar thinks the United States is identical to the Taliban. Omar demonstrably did not say what she’s been accused of having said; what she did say was true...


Women’s Political Activism in Palestine

Mark Griffiths LSE Review of Books
A deep look at how Palestinian women have practiced creative and often informal forms of everyday political activism and resistance. The reviewer considers the book among the finest social scientific works on contemporary Palestine in recent years.


Palestinianism: Charting the Life and Work of Edward Said

Adam Shatz London Review of Books
A biography of protean intellectual Edward Said situates the advocate for Palestinian statehood as a deep political thinker and skeptic of identity politics would both excoriate the crimes of Israel and the US and denounce Arab despotism.

We Are All One Staters Now

Noam Sheizaf +972 Magazine
The ideological argument over the future of Israel-Palestine disguises the fact that for the past decade we have been living in a one-state reality.
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