Military contracting "obscures where and how taxpayer money flows," and "makes it difficult to know how many people are employed, injured, and killed," said the Costs of War Project report's author.
When it comes to trade in the tools of death and destruction, no one tops the United States of America. Changes in arms export policy will mean forcefully taking on the arms lobby.
A Post-Coronavirus economy can no longer afford to put the Pentagon first. As it turns out, creating jobs through Pentagon spending is among the least effective ways to rebuild the economy.
When it comes to the Pentagon and the CEOs running a large part of the arms industry, examples abound of them asking what they can do to help themselves. Continuing to prioritize the U.S. military will further weaken the USA public health system.
Defense spending is higher now than it was during the Korean or Vietnam conflicts and may soon be twice the Cold War average. The end of the Cold War resulted in that rarest of all things: real cuts in the Pentagon budget.
Reader Comments: Debbie Ramirez Statement; Four Million Raised for Collins Opponent; High School Slang According to Kavanaugh; Van Dyke Verdict and CPAC; Housing; Trump Latest - Pay to Protest; Military-Industrial Complex; Announcements; and more....
On the 50th anniversary of G. William Domhoff’s Who Rules America, the author and 11 others take stock of the book’s findings about class and power in the United States, focusing on the drive to privatize public schools, extend power abroad...
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