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The Border Fetish The U.S. Frontier as a Zone of Profit and Sacrifice

Todd Miller Tom Dispatch
military tank at the US-Mexico borderl The Border Patrol not only recruits from the military and receives military training, but uses military equipment and technology prodigiously. The monoliths of the military-industrial complex have long been tailoring their technologies to homeland security operations.

Seymour Melman and the New American Revolution

Jonathan Feldman Counterpunch
Seymour Melman believed that both political and economic decline could be reversed by vastly scaling back the U.S. military budget which represented a gigantic opportunity cost to the national economy. He believed in a a revolution in thinking and acting centered on the reorganization of economic life and the nation’s security system.  The core alternative to economic decline was the democratic organization of workplaces.


Big Science: Ernest Lawrence and the Invention That Launched the Military-Industrial Complex

Sam Kean The American Scholar
Ernest Lawrence was a leading member of the scientific community that invented the atom bomb. He was also a pioneer in the growth of the military industrial complex. Michael Hiltzik tells this history in his new book. Sam Kean observes in this review that "there is much to admire and much to mourn" here, as we continue to live with the complex legacy of Big Science three quarters of a century after its emergence.

Armed Drones for Sale

Lila Garrett LA Progressive
As of last week we lifted the ban on selling drones to foreign countries. Arms merchants have neither allies nor enemies. They have only customers. We are a country locked in a permanent war economy. To feed that economy we must have permanent war. And we have never been more successful at securing that combination than we are right now. Our endless wars with Iraq and Afghanistan destabilized the entire region.
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