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Friday Nite Videos | May 31, 2024

What It's Really Like To Work at Apple. Following Harry the Film. Jeremy Corbyn: Why I'm Standing Against Labour After 40 Years. The Fake News Divide: How Modi’s Rule Is Fracturing India. Cancer-busting Vaccines Are Coming.

Fascism 101: Why We Need To Spell It Out

Walden Bello Foreign Policy in Focus
There is no guarantee that fascism will not triumph, but it will certainly win unless we put ourselves, body and soul, fully and smartly, on the line to stop it

India Is on the Brink

Debasish Roy Chowdhury New York Times
India is a diverse nation, crisscrossed by religious, ethnic, caste, regional and political fault lines. Prime Minister Modi's government has torn those asunder seeking to remake India’s secular republic into a majoritarian Hindu state.
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