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Tidbits – June 13 – Reader Comments: Billionaires Captured Trump; Criminalization of Solidarity; Slippery Slope to World War III?; Pride Month Event – Telling the Stories of Lincoln Brigade LGBTQ Volunteers; Cartoons; More…

Reader Comments: Billionaires Captured Trump; Criminalization of Solidarity; Slippery Slope to World War III?; One Nation Not Rolling Out Red Carpet for the Rich; Pride Month Event - Telling the stories of Lincoln Brigade LGBTQ Volunteers; more...

Othello and the War

Victor Grossman MR OnLine
The world needs to end this confrontation in Ukraine, increasingly dangerous in East Asia. Regardless of differences it must be halted. Not bloodily as in Shakespeare’s tragedy, but with some form of détente,, however reluctant either side may be.

Liberation Statement on the Situation in Niger

Morning Star
The people of Niger, facing a desperate situation, are threatened with the withdrawal of vital humanitarian aid from the country in response to the coup, a move tantamount to a punitive measure and essentially exploiting aid as leverage.

The Surprising Pervasiveness of Pro-War Propaganda

Medea Benjamin, Nicolas J.S. Davies, Marcy Winograd Foreign Policy in Focus
The war in Ukraine has divided progressives like few other foreign policy issues in recent years. A Foreign Policy in Focus commentary by John Feffer posted on Portside criticized CODEPINK's position on the war in Ukraine. Here is our response.

Readers Debate: The Surprising Pervasiveness of American Arrogance

Kevin Young; Charles Patrick Lynch; John Feffer Portside
Last week Portside ran John Feffer's column, which generated a number of likes and shares on Portside's Facebook page. We are are sharing two comments from readers Kevin Young and Charles Patrick Lynch. We asked John Feffer to respond to these.

An American Dilemma: Michael Kazin and the Recycling of Cold War Liberalism

Jonathan Feldman CounterPunch
A coherent U.S. policy would be based on a more cooperative posture towards the Russians not militarist expansionism which empowers militarists in both Russia and the U.S. While Putin’s militarism is quite dangerous, it is no more crazy than keeping a war going that kills thousands, risks nuclear accidents, and wastes precious resources.

Should Leftists Call for Ending NATO?

David Bacon Portside
Russia should withdraw its troops, there should be a cease-fire, and negotiations. Writer David Bacon wrote this in response Michael Kazin's earlier piece, "Reject the Left Right Alliance Against Ukraine," after Finland's admission to NATO.

Reject the Left-Right Alliance Against Ukraine

Michael Kazin Dissent Magazine
If U.S. leftists take seriously their commitment to self-rule and loathing of foreign aggression, they should shed their ambivalence about supporting Ukraine.
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