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Neanderthals Built Mystery Underground Circles 175,000 Years Ago

Colin Barras New Scientist
We can only guess as to why a group of Neanderthals built a series of large stalagmite structures in a French cave 175,000 years ago – but the fact they did provides a rare glimpse into our extinct cousin’s potential for social organisation in a challenging environment.

Neanderthals Built Underground Structures

We can only guess as to why a group of Neanderthals built a series of large and mysterious stalagmite structures in a French cave - but the fact they did provides a rare glimpse into our cousin species’ potential for social organisation in a challenging environment.

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Neanderthals Practiced Sexual Division of Labor

Spanish National Research Council
Neanderthals divided some of their tasks according to their sex. A new study analyzed 99 teeth of 19 individuals from three different sites (El Sidron, in Asturias - Spain, L'Hortus in France, and Spy in Belgium), reveals that the dental grooves in the female fossils follow the same pattern, different to that found in male individuals.

Tidbits - May 8, 2014

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