We need to realise a project that puts peace and freedom at the heart of EU policy. We must act to ensure prosperity for all, to protect welfare, and to defend labour, which ever since Maastricht has never been sufficiently represented.
Their agenda breaks with decades of Democratic thinking about education. The Harris-Walz education agenda is often inseparable from the campaign’s economic priorities. Both are part of what the candidates describe as a pro-family platform.
Luc Triangle
International Centre for Trade Union Rights
It is time to make good on promises made in the ILO Declaration of Philadelphia, 80 years since its publication. By harnessing the trade union movement's collective power we can ensure that progress envisaged under the Declaration becomes a reality.
Sheinbaum, the first woman president of Mexico and North America, has vowed to continue the anti-neoliberal project of the “Fourth Transformation” inaugurated by President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, led by the principle of “Mexican Humanism”.
Lessons from a convening between pro-democracy organizers from the U.S. and Hungary. Gordon Whitman explains how grassroots organizations can adapt as authoritarians change the rules of the game, and how neoliberalism paves the path for dictators.
In the 2000s and 2010s Chileans began resolving the Crisis of Representation through protest, song, and dance. Recent political setbacks do not detract from this.
Mariano Schuster and Pablo Stefanoni, Nueva Sociedad
NACLA Reports
How can we understand the political shift in Argentina that led to an extreme right-wing outsider coming to power? Here are seven key points for unpacking the unprecedented election.
September sat down with Quinn Slobodian, author of Crack-Up Capitalism: Market Radicals and the Dream of a World Without Democracy, to discuss the history of neoliberal and libertarian ideas, the war in Ukraine and the state of the left-wing movement
The US’s air traffic control workforce is overstretched, which has led to a big rise in airplane “near misses.” The crisis has roots in Ronald Reagan’s crushing of the 1981 PATCO strike and in the neoliberal attack on public services he helped spear
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