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Beyond Racial Liberalism

Felicia Wong and Kyle Strickland Democracy Journal
Victory requires the long view: the values and ideas that must animate our new fight for racial justice.

Beyond Fatalism: Renewing Working-Class Politics

Sam Gindin Socialist Project: The Bullet
Working people never stopped fighting as neoliberalism was imposed. Bouts of resistance kept resurfacing, but remained localized and politically narrow. In the absence of structures that could give workers confidence in collective struggles, workers were left with survival tactics that came at great cost and unintentionally reproduced neoliberalism’s individualist ethos.

The Evolution of Post-Soviet Ideology

Arseniy Krasnikov Russian Dissent
There is no dividing line between the Russian “quasi-liberals” of the 90s and the ideology of Russian imperialism today. They are aligned politically and economically, the first easily spilling over over into the second.

Reflections on the Sri Lankan Economic Crisis

Prabhat Patnaik Global South Colloquy
There are two lessons one can learn from the Sri Lankan experience. The first is that a welfare state is totally incompatible with a neo-liberal regime. The second is that every country is vulnerable to a “contingency crisis” under neo-liberalism.

The Fight for Chile’s Future

Melany Cruz Tribune
Chileans face a stark choice in the second round of their presidential election – a far-right candidate who admires the legacy of Pinochet or a left-wing reformer pledging to tackle social inequality.
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