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Tidbits – Dec. 1, 2022 – Reader Comments: Railroad Workers Deserve Sick Days; More Gun Violence; Jewish Divide Over Netanyahu; Readers Debate Ukraine; Thanksgiving Origins; Afterlife of Paris Commune; Fifty Year Tribute to Juan González; More

Reader Comments: Railroad Workers Deserve Sick Days; More Gun Violence; Jewish Divide Over Netanyahu; Readers Debate Ukraine; Thanksgiving Origins; Afterlife of Paris Commune; Fifty Year Tribute to Juan González; More Announcements; Cartoons;

Netanyahu Slips, Reveals Reason for Opposition to Iran Deal

Juan Cole Informed Comment
Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu was given repeated access to millions of Americans to talk trash about the deal over the weekend and to make mostly false allegations about its contours. What does he want? Netanyahu wants to keep Iran poor and undeveloped. He wants to make sure that “crippling” sanctions aren’t lifted. He wants to keep Iranians in grinding poverty.

Friday Nite Videos -- March 13, 2015

John Oliver: Guess Who Can't Vote? Anita Sarkeesian: What I Couldn't Say. Jimmy Kimmel: Message for the Anti-Vaccine Movement. Going Clear: Scientology & the Prison of Belief. Netanyahu Remix: Sit! Stand! Iran, Iran, Iran! .

When You’ve Lost Bernie Sanders: How Netanyahu Destroyed the Israel Lobby

Juan Cole Informed Comment; Common Dreams
Bernie Sanders’s announcement may well signal a turning point in the domestic politics of Mideast policy. Despite his strong progressive vision, Sanders has in the past been reluctant to criticize Israel. He, like many on the American left, held up Israel in general as a progressive cause, regardless of the country’s colonial actions in the Palestinian West Bank or its illegal blockade of Gaza.
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