State and local officials have invested $1.7bn of the public’s money in Israel Bonds since 7 October. An investigation reveals contacts between buyer and seller that experts say may cross a line
Ohio has Republicans in control of all three branches of government, but the state’s voters still managed to approve a ballot initiative on reproductive rights.
Organized labor was the “backbone” of the opposition to the Republican attempt to throttle voters’ agency to amend the Ohio state constitution and maybe a harbinger of a major realignment in America’s rustbelt.
Big Cities, Suburbs, and Many Rural Counties Voted Down Issue.1, the special election - hot August, a first, saw a 38% turnout - high for a special election, with over 3 million votes, with 652,000 votes from early or absentee voters.
Reader Comments: Ohio Voted!; Hiroshima - Nagasaki - Never Again!; VFX Workers Unionizing at Marvel Studios; How policy has shaped racial economic disparities; Film Discussion on Sacco and Vanzetti; New Film: King Coal; Cartoons; more; ....
Ohio will be voting on a measure that makes it harder to amend the constitution in a high-stakes election – and the Republican proposal is ‘minority rule’, experts say.
The heat is on: Early voting has started. MAGA candidates are running strong. It’s not too late to get involved. Increasing numbers of votes for Democrats in battleground states helps lay the groundwork for more sweeping victories later. Here’s how.
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